5 Essential Tools for Wedding planners

5 Essential Tools for Wedding planners So it's our anniversary month in February ( yay I'm so excited) and I've been thinking of ways to celebrate with both clients and colleagues. Our theme for the month is "Loving is giving" and we intend to show love by giving anyway we can. Watch out for our huge giveaways next month . Today is about the 5 tools that has helped me in my business and I hope it helps you too. 1. My Diary /Year Planner - With the numerous meetings , calls and different client you talk to you need to keep up to date with your calendar to know your free time and avoid confused booking 2. My internet enabled smart phone - if you can slowdown on selfie mode for a minute you will realize that your phone can do way more than you imagine. "Google is your Friend" and I mean it literarily. I can find venues,set up the closest meeting place,get address or contact numbers all on my phone. Seriously the possibilities are endless. ...