Hiring the right wedding vendor is very crucial to your event that’s why it’s one of the most difficult task for any bride. We must suggest you hire a wedding planner for your event because they are not biased and will totally get the best vendors in a heart beat but for the sake of this blog i will assume i'm advising a DIY bride. Most vendors get hired based on the uniqueness of their service and how it’s rendered while some are hired based on some other reasons but I’m here to talk to you about the vendors who you shouldn’t hire. 1.The Vendors that don't know what they are doing This first point is self explanatory. don’t hire them if they don’t know anything about the job. You know those people that say “how hard is it to fry small chops” yes those ones. Don’t hire them ! . I believe small chops has been a life saver for events since 1900 and anyone who thinks it’s easy is not your friend. Lol ( you can tell I’m a born again small chops lover) 2.The “ ...