HOW TO OVERCOME UNEXPECTED WEDDING DISASTERS Hey guys! I missed talking to you. Got engrossed with our numerous brides and of course our training sessions. I'm back now with lots to share so stay glued! So in our training session last week one of the students came up and asked me "excuse me ma, what do you do when you planned for 1000 guest but 3000 shows up?" Because I'm such a story teller my answer took the whole class session. Lol It was interesting but before I tell you my answer let me share 3 things that I learned in my experience of disasters while planning events BE READY I want to be truthful and say this , as a planner it's common to experience unforeseen circumstances during your event be it major or minor. It's best to be READY! Have a plan B for everything. Also it pays to delegate because even as a "super planner" one can not be everywhere at the same time. You dig? BE POSITIVE Your mind set is the most powerful tool y...